
Where Does The Money Go For Sf 2016 Proposition V?

San Francisco November 2016 Propositions

The voter guide for November 2016 reminds me of The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. You've got propositions A, B and C, D, E and F, G, H and I, J, K and 50, One thousand, North and O, P, Q and R, S, T and U, V, W and 10. Y is missing and and then is the microscopic and invisible fiddling proposition Z. We do get an RR for BART though.

As well missing is the Voom, the magic powder that makes all the mess become abroad. Really this slate of city propositions is the government failing to do it'due south task and punting to the voters. I'yard tempted to send the Board of Supervisors a week of my work to handle while I struggle through theirs. Maybe the supervisors should be limited to whatsoever they experience the most of import one is?

As much equally I hate it I have to do the all-time job I can. This is shorter than my land guide because after slogging through that I'grand losing my will to live. Here goes:

Proposition A: San Francisco Unified School District Bond Issue

Yep. Necessary funds to fix and build schools.

Proposition B: San Francisco Customs College

Yep. We need to continue to resuscitate Metropolis Higher.

Proposition C: San Francisco Affordable Housing Bond Result

Yes. Repurposes unspent seismic upgrade bonds to housing.

Proposition D: San Francisco Vacancy Appointments

No. This one is just weird - someone appointed to a vacant supervisor spot can't and so run for election? Makes no sense.

Suggestion East: San Francisco Urban center Responsibleness for Street Trees and Sidewalks Amendment

No. Ring fences money for tree maintenance. This was shifted to property owners and should probably stay at that place. I'm also generally opposed to untouchable money in the city budget.

Proffer F: San Francisco Youth Voting in Local Elections

No. Students shouldn't be voting for the schoolhouse board.

Proposition Yard: San Francisco Police Oversight Amendment

Yep. SFPD clearly needs more than supervision.

Proposition H: San Francisco Establishment of a Public Advocate Function Amendment

No. We don't need to pay for someone to write reports. Seems like a recipe for pointless infighting. If nosotros get fed up with the Mayor nosotros can elect a new one.

Suggestion I: San Francisco Funding for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities Amendment

No. Should exist funded by the city without needing whatever special ring fencing. I don't want to be involved in setting the right level.

Suggestion J: San Francisco Homeless Services and Transportation Funds Amendment

Aye. Spends the money from Prop K on transportation and homelessness.

Proffer Chiliad: San Francisco Sales Tax Increase

Yeah. I don't love it because it's regressive but information technology's a small increase for a couple of good causes (see Grand above).

Proposition L: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Bureau Governance Amendment

No. Exit the Mayor in accuse of the MUNI board.

Suggestion M: San Francisco Housing and Development Commission Institution Subpoena

No. Doesn't need a new trunk of politicians.

Proposition N: San Francisco Not-Citizen Voting in School Lath Elections

No. Merely citizens should become to vote.

Proposition O: San Francisco Office Development in Candlestick Signal and Hunters Point

Yep. Allows more role space to exist created in a much needed development projection.

Proposition P: San Francisco Minimum 3-Proposal Requirement for Affordable Housing Projects on City Property

No. Makes information technology harder to go projects going. Near projects have multiple bidders already.

Proposition Q: San Francisco Prohibiting Tents on Public Sidewalks

No. Focus on more than shelter space instead. Speeding up the process of kicking people into not-existent services isn't helping anyone.

Proposition R: San Francisco Neighborhood Crime Unit Creation

No. Not that I'm a fan of graffiti or other neighborhood bane merely forcing SFPD to allocate offices to information technology full time means that more serious law-breaking might not get the attention it needs.

Proposition S: San Francisco Allocation of Hotel Taxation Funds

No. The money should continue to go to the general fund and not be locked down for a specific purpose.

Proposition T: San Francisco Restricting Gifts and Campaign Contributions from Lobbyists

Yep. More constraints and time in the sunshine for lobbyists.

Proposition U: San Francisco Income Qualifications for Affordable Housing

No. Not plenty to get effectually equally it is and so it doesn't make sense to make it easier to apply for.

Suggestion V: San Francisco Soda and Sugary Beverages Taxation

No. Regressive and of dubious value. And I but just voted on this in 2014.

Proposition W: San Francisco Real Estate Transfer Revenue enhancement

No. This tax is already higher than other bay area cities and the funds raised would be ring fenced.

Proffer X: San Francisco Replacement Space Requirement for Development Projects

No. Should exist part of the regular planning procedure and not a proposition.

Measure RR: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Commune

Yes. BART desperately needs the upgrades.

(Related: San Francisco 2014 Ballot Measures; San Francisco 2012 Propositions; San Francisco November 2020 Ballot Measures)

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