
What Happens If You Don't Raise Enough Money On Kickstarter

The world is changing. That means you have more and better options when it comes to funding your small business organisation. Crowdfunding continues to abound each year, putting the opportunity to fund businesses we're passionate nearly into everyone'due south hands.

It'due south a smashing option for many small businesses, but there are so many platforms out there. How do you know which ane to choose?

We've compared iii of the biggest crowdfunding platforms to help y'all selection the right selection for you and your business:

  • Kickstarter: a platform that focuses on creative projects like fine art, music, motion picture, etc. Funding is all or nothing and fees are fairly reasonable.
  • GoFundMe: a crowdfunding platform designed for individuals and personal causes. No all or cipher requirement and reasonable fees
  • Indiegogo: a unique platform that accommodates many, diverse campaigns. No all or nada requirement, but fees can be higher.

When comparison each platform, it'south essential to keep your industry in mind, in addition to what sort of program to receive funds y'all're comfortable with. We explain more below.

Plans and Pricing

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform that's heavily focused on catering to creative projects like fine art, music, pic, engineering, etc. The site boasts college pledges to appointment than every other major crowdfunding platform combined. While it'southward hard to contend with that kind of success, only nearly 65% of projects on Kickstarter go fully funded inside the campaign timeline.

Funding on Kickstarter is all or nix. That means if you don't reach your funding goal within the designated timeline, you won't receive any of the funds that were pledged to your project. Kickstarter views this as a benefit – often backers notwithstanding look full results on a project even if it isn't fully funded. All or null funding alleviates the pressure and unrealistic expectations this sets upon the projection creators. There are besides no fees if your entrada is unsuccessful.

GoFundMe's crowdfunding platform is super welcoming to individuals and personal causes. Campaigns to fund life events similar education, medical treatment, and sports teams are prevalent on the site. The platform itself doesn't have the contained community that some other crowdfunding sites have, but campaigns are extremely shareable, which tin make up for the lack of community.

Funding on GoFundMe is not all or nada. That ways you keep whatsoever money you raise regardless of whether or not you accomplish your designated funding goal. Unlike some other crowdfunding sites, fees are the same whether you get fully or partially funded. Keep in heed that this may lead to donors expecting 100% results even if y'all get less than 100% funded.

Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform that doesn't specialize in any type of campaign. All kinds of projects are accepted for fundraising on the site. That means the regulations about who's on the site are very lax, which can be practiced or information technology can mean lots of competition for the attending of donors. Campaigns on Indiegogo have a lower average funds raised than some other crowdfunding sites, but its various base of operations is a huge plus.

Indiegogo is unique in that you, the campaign owner, can choose whether or non to go with all or nothing funding. With two plans (Flexible and Fixed), users tin can decide how this works. Yet, if you elect to go with the Flexible Funding plan (keep whatever y'all heighten), you'll be paying fees regardless of whether you reach your goal or not.

Kickstarter Logo Gofundme Logo Indiegogo Logo
All or nothing? Yep Yeah & No No
  • 5% fee from funding total if campaign is successful
  • 3-5% processing free from each pledge
  • Costless to create and share campaign
  • five% fee from each donation
  • 3% processing fee from each donation (The states & Canada)
  • No set-up fees
  • 5% overall platform fee
  • 3% plus 30¢ per credit bill of fare transaction
  • 3-5% for PayPal transactions
All-time for Creative projects like art, music, moving picture, technology, etc. Personal causes and life-events (e.m. education, medical treatment, sports teams, etc.) Campaigns across a wide variety of industries with lower funding goals


If you're an artist, author, designer, or performer, Kickstarter is a great option to crowdfund your projection. Whether or not you choose the site will depend on how you feel well-nigh all or nothing funding. It's a large cistron, but Kickstarter is too a huge platform for your campaign and carries a loftier likelihood of success. If you're confident in your pitch and believe your creative project volition speak to people, Kickstarter may be for you lot.

GoFundMe is groovy for personal causes and life events. All the same, because at that place's no existing community on the site, it'due south likely that donors will only be your friends, family, and personal network. Depending on how much money you're looking to heighten – and how confident you are in marketing your campaign – GoFundMe is a perfectly acceptable option for fundraising your campaign.

Indiegogo is a good option if your project doesn't fall into the specific categories that other crowdfunding sites cater to. Without the high traffic and make recognition of a big name platform, you're probable to raise less money on Indiegogo, so if your funding goals are relatively low, it may exist for y'all. The site is also slap-up for nonprofits because of the flexibility with tax-deductible campaigns.

All three platforms let you to enhance money without taking on debt or giving up equity. There'south likewise a social attribute of fundraising which can help you approximate market involvement if successful. You will, however, have to pay taxes on any funds y'all receive on any of the platforms.

Kickstarter Logo Gofundme Logo Indiegogo Logo
  • Pledges to appointment are more than than every other crowdfunding site combined
  • Backers on the site are looking for creative projects
  • Offering resource to help you build the all-time project
  • No deadlines or goal limits
  • 5-infinitesimal support guarantee
  • Optimized for sharing
  • Personal causes are encouraged
  • Flexibility for tax-deductible funds
  • Information driven insights help you run the most effective campaign
  • More liberal project regulations
  • No all or nothing requirement
  • Fees up to 8-10% if projection is successful
  • All or nothing funding
  • Difficult to integrate with offline efforts
  • Relatively short campaign fourth dimension
  • Fess of upwardly to 8% on each donation
  • Facebook account req'd
  • Inconsistent client support
  • Mixed reviews from users
  • Fees up to 8-10% of total funds
  • Less traffic and brand recognition
  • Lower average raised funds
  • Questionable reputation
App Yes (for backers) Yes Aye
Customer service
  • Assist Eye
  • Help Center
  • Email submission grade
  • five infinitesimal support guarantee
  • Help Center
  • Electronic mail submission form
  • Response within 24 hours

What are customers saying?

"I liked showing the world our product and am glad that we are funded. I would recommend Kickstarter to anyone who is wanting to launch a product, but stress the importance of preparation."

"I tried using another crowdfunding site a few years agone and it was a total loss. I found this site to be piece of cake to use, and fairly successful. It is upwardly to the person trying to raise coin for a cause to brand it work."

"Indiegogo can work well, if you aggressively solicit your friends and social network for money."

More Options:


  • Simple educational resources to assist y'all forth the way
  • Opportunity for a TV spot on A&E
  • 4% commission free plus 4% credit menu handling fee (if you reach your goals)


  • Nonprofit and clemency focused
  • Allows you to interact and fundraise as a squad
  • 4.9% platform fee and 2% + 30¢ payment fee


  • Focused on startups
  • Get connected with an industry veteran to assist y'all succeed
  • No fees for the startup or the investor


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