
Fix Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data error

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Microsoft Excel is an application developed by Microsoft and is usually used to organize data and perform financial analysis; it is used across all business functions and large and small companies. Microsoft Excel can be very beneficial to our lives, but sometimes errors tin occur, particularly if you want to paste values on an Excel jail cell, workbook, or datasheet and you cannot paste information.

Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data

Why is my paste non working in Excel?

The Microsoft Excel error usually occurs when trying to copy a range of data from one Excel workbook to another, so information technology might cause an error to occur which prevents you lot from pasting information into the workbook.

Why tin't I paste data from one Excel to another?

If yous cannot paste data from i Excel workbook to some other is due to:

  • The data that you lot want to paste does not lucifer the prison cell format for the cells in the cavalcade; If yous want to paste a large corporeality of data into your workbook, ensure that the format in your columns matches the format of the data that you lot desire to paste.
  • There are not enough columns to accept the information you are trying to paste, and so insert more columns and try to paste again.
  • The copy surface area and the paste area are not the aforementioned size and shape, so select the upper-left range instead of the whole range before you paste the information into the cell.

Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data

Follow the solutions beneath to fix the Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data mistake:

  1. Restart Excel
  2. Change the prison cell format
  3. Insert extra columns
  4. Employ the Special Paste feature
  5. Unmerge the cells

1] Restart Excel

Salvage the changes on your Excel workbook.

Shut Excel and look a few minutes.

Now, relaunch Excel and run into if the fault persists.

ii] Change the cell format

Select the cavalcade heading you want to change.

On the Home tab, select the Number launcher in the Number group.

A Cell Format dialog box will open.

Choose the format that matches the data you are trying to paste.

3] Insert extra columns

Click the column heading for the column to the right of where you lot want to add together a column.

On the Home tab, click the Insert push.

The columns you selected will shift to the correct, and the new cavalcade appears.

Repeat step until you have inserted the number of columns y'all desire.

four] Use the Special Paste feature

Go to the cell you want to paste the data ad right-click it.

Select Paste special.

A Paste special dialog box will open.

Click OK.

5] Unmerge the cells

You may be trying to paste the information on merge cells; endeavor to unmerge the cell before merging data.

Highlight the cells where you want to paste the information.

On the Domicile tab, click Merge and center.

Select Unmerge cells.

We hope this tutorial helps y'all understand how to fix Excel cannot paste the information error.

If y'all have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.

Microsoft Excel cannot paste the data

Shantel is a university student studying for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. Her goal is to become a Database Administrator or a Arrangement Administrator. She enjoys reading and watching historical documentaries and dramas.


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