
Bill Gates wants to help Microsoft improve Office, praises CEO Satya Nadella

Microsoft co-founder Beak Gates is currently spending most of his time with his charitable work at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but in a new interview he reveals he wants to aid Microsoft, and its current CEO Satya Nadella, in his office equally technology counselor, particularly with Office.

In the interview with Bloomberg Tv set, Gates says:

"But of all the things Microsoft needs to practice in terms of making people more than productive in their piece of work, helping them communicate in new ways, it's a long listing of opportunities Microsoft has to innovate. And taking Role and making information technology dramatically better would exist actually loftier on the list there. That's the kind of thing I'm trying to assist make sure they move fast on."

Gates made that comment in response to questions virtually Apple Pay, the upcoming payment system that will be launched by Apple after this month. He admitted that "Microsoft should do as well or amend" in that area of technology. He added:

"Well Apple Pay's a great example of how a jail cell phone that identifies its user in a pretty strong way lets you make a transaction that should be very, very inexpensive. So the fact that in any application I can buy something, that's fantastic. The fact I don't need a physical carte anymore, I just practise that transaction and you lot're going to be quite sure nearly who it is on the other finish, that is a real contribution. And all the platforms, whether information technology's Apple'south or Google's or Microsoft, you'll see this payment capability get built in. That'southward congenital on manufacture standard protocols, NFC. And these companies take all participated in getting those going. Apple will help make sure it gets to critical mass for all the devices."

Gates also offered praise for Nadella, who became CEO of Microsoft in February. Gates said, "I'one thousand very happy with what he's doing. I run across a new sense of energy. There's a lot of opportunity there, some things the company isn't the leader on, and he sees that he needs to change that." When asked if he will be going to more NBA basketball matches now that former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is the owners of the Los Angeles Clippers, Gates said, "I'm not a guy who spends a ton of time watching sports games, but my friends who own teams, I enjoy spending time with them. So at some point probably."

Do you think Gates is correct in his thinking that improving Part should exist a loftier priority for Microsoft?

Source: Bloomberg Television


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